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更新时间:2025-03-03 12:42:30
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1. hybrid rice在线翻译

1. 杂交水稻:一篇优秀的论文发表在有影响力的期刊上比较容易引起同行的关注,但是,这并不意味着您的论文未投递到SCI收录期刊,您的研究成果就不会被您的同行引用. 例如,我们要查找院士袁隆平1997年发表在中国期刊<>(Hybrid Rice)的论文的被引用情况,您可以这样操作:

2. 水稻:(1)博物馆里收藏的古物(relics)可以反映一个国家或地区的文化和历史他开发的杂交水稻 (hybrid rice) 使粮食产量大幅增长,对中国乃至世界作出了巨大贡献

3. hybrid rice的解释

3. 杂交稻:hybrid protein 杂种蛋白质 | hybrid rice 杂交稻 | hybrid sterility 杂种不育性

4. 杂种稻:hybrid pullet 杂种牝鸡 | hybrid rice 杂种稻 | hybrid sterility 杂种不育性

Yuan Longping, known as "the Father of Hybrid Rice", has devoted himself into researching on this area.(袁隆平被称为“杂交水稻之父”,他一直致力于对该领域的研究。)
He is not only the success of hybrid rice, invented new varieties.(他不但成功的杂交了水稻,发明了新品种。)
There are significant differences in setting rate among different medium hybrid rice combinations.(不同杂交中稻绍合间结实率存在显著差异。)
Correlation analysis has been made on evenness degree of characters by using 32 medium, late-maturing hybrid rice.(对32个杂交早稻中、迟熟新组合的整齐度与产量及产量构成因素进行了相关分析。)
The correlation and path action among economic characters to grain yield for 11 mainly promoted hybrid rice in Guangdong were analyzed .(本文研究了11个广东省主推杂交水稻组合主要经济性状间的相互关系及其对产量的通径作用。)
Yuan Longping invents super hybrid rice, making it possible to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of the field.(袁隆平发明了超级杂交水稻,这项技术可在不扩大稻田面积的情况下增加水稻产量。)
The results showed that irrigation modes affected obviously the senescence of hybrid rice.(结果表明,灌水方式明显影响杂交水稻的衰老。)
The agrometeorological technique for making hybrid rice seeds is applicable to zones of other rice cropping systems.(研究得到的两系法杂交稻制种技术的气象学方法可供其他熟制地区应用。)
Yuan Longping, the person who I respect the most, is known as "Father of Hybrid Rice".(袁隆平是我最尊敬的人,他被视为是”杂交水稻之父“。)
The remarkable successes on research and breeding of two line hybrid rice in China are introduced.(介绍了全国近年来两系杂交水稻研究和育种的重要进展。)
hybrid rice是什么意思 hybrid rice在线翻译 hybrid rice什么意思 hybrid rice的意思 hybrid rice的翻译 hybrid rice的解释 hybrid rice的发音 hybrid rice的同义词